My profile.html.erb
provides a hash upstream to the layout.html.erb to be included in the metadata
<% provide(:twitter, { %>
<% card: 'summary', %>
<% site: '@twitter', %>
<% title: 'Lorem ipsum', %>
<% description: 'Non sequitar', %>
<% image: gravatar_for(@user, { size: 150 } )%>
<% }) %>
The layout.html.erb
then is supposed to iterate over this and create the meta tags:
<% yield(:twitter).each do |key, value|%>
<meta name="twitter:#{key}" content="#{value}" />
<% end %>
However, it gives me the error undefined method 'each' for #<ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer:0x007f8d616e5870>
, and after inspecting yield(:twitter)
with byebug
I see that I yield an instance of ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer
(byebug) hash = yield(:twitter)
"{:card=>"summary", :site=>"@twitter", :title=>"Lorem ipsum", :description=>"Non sequitar", :image=>""}"
(byebug) hash.class
I could eval the string into a hash, but ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer
encodes it html safe, and there's no method to get the original back out. Is there a smarter way to do this, or do I have to hack around it with a helper converting the string back into a hash, and then eval()
ing it into a has?
Since provide expects either a string or a block then it might be better to create the meta tags in a helper and pass it as string argument.
module TwitterHelper
def twitter_meta_tags(hash)
hash.each_with_object([]) do |(key, value), array|
a.push( tag(:meta, { name: "twitter:#{k}", content: v }, false, false ) )
# not sure if that last html_safe is really needed.
Downstream view:
provide(:twitter, twitter_meta_tags({
foo: "bar"
<%= yield(:twitter) %>
Another option is to use a partial and pass a block instead of a string to provide
<% # app/views/twitter/_meta_tags.html.erb %>
<% hash.each do |key, value|%>
<meta name="twitter:#{key}" content="#{value}" />
<% end %>
Downstream view:
<% provide(:twitter) do %>
<%= render partial: "twitter/meta_tags", hash: {
card: 'summary',
site: '@twitter',
title: 'Lorem ipsum',
description: 'Non sequitar',
image: gravatar_for(@user, { size: 150 } )
} %>
<% end %>
<%= yield(:twitter) %>