I want the users not to go to certain pages at least they've logged in before. I'm currently using this:
app.run(function ($rootScope, $route, $location)
var restrictedPages =
'/Survey/', '/Survey/Detalle', '/Survey/Accepted', '/Account/Profile',
'/Auction/Detail', '/Survey/Accepted'
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (ev, next, current)
var nextPath = $location.path();
var nextRoute = $route.routes[nextPath];
if(restrictedPages.indexOf(nextPath) !== -1)
My problem here is that I want to inject inside of this piece of code my AccountService. How can I achieve this? Because the loading-order is the following
app.js (the code presented is inside here)
I truly believe this is not the right way to go but it seems so simple and the only thing I'm missing is the account service injection.
Consider this module, which includes a accountService that uses implicit DI:
angular.module('myApp', [])
.factory('accountService', function($rootScope) {
// $rootScope is implicitly injected
.run(['$rootScope', '$route', '$location', 'accountService', function ($rootScope, $route, $location, accountService)
var restrictedPages =
'/Survey/', '/Survey/Detalle', '/Survey/Accepted', '/Account/Profile',
'/Auction/Detail', '/Survey/Accepted'
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function (ev, next, current)
var nextPath = $location.path();
var nextRoute = $route.routes[nextPath];
if(restrictedPages.indexOf(nextPath) !== -1 && !accountService.isLoggedIn())
if you want more documentation: https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/di