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Inheritance and shared_ptr ref parameters with Boost.Python

I've run into an edge case with Boost.Python that seems like it should work but doesn't.

What I have is a Base and a Derived class that I am storing in std::shared_ptr's on the python side. What I would like to do is pass a Derived type shared_ptr to a function that accepts a Base shared_ptr by reference.

I've done some research and have learned about implicitly_convertible and have attempted to employ it to fix the problem but without success (although it does help in some other situations). Passing a Derived to function that accepts a Base& works with this but if they're wrapped in shared_ptr then it fails.

What I get currently is the message below:

Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
    test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseSharedPtrRef(Derived) did not match C++ signature:
    acceptBaseSharedPtrRef(std::shared_ptr<(anonymous namespace)::Base> {lvalue})

See below for example code:

C++ Binding code


#include <boost/optional.hpp>
#include <boost/python.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>

#include <iostream>
#include <memory>


  class Base

  class Derived : public Base

  std::shared_ptr<Base> getBaseSharedPtr()
    auto retVal = std::make_shared<Base>();
    std::cout << "Creating Base shared_ptr - " << retVal.get() << std::endl;
    return retVal;

  std::shared_ptr<Derived> getDerivedSharedPtr()
    auto retVal = std::make_shared<Derived>();
    std::cout << "Creating Derived shared_ptr - " << retVal.get() << std::endl;
    return retVal;

  void acceptBaseSharedPtrRef(std::shared_ptr<Base>& base)
    std::cout << "acceptBaseSharedPtrRef() with " << base.get() << std::endl;

  void acceptBaseSharedPtrConstRef(const std::shared_ptr<Base>& base)
    std::cout << "acceptBaseSharedPtrConstRef() with " << base.get() << std::endl;

  void acceptBaseSharedPtrCopy(std::shared_ptr<Base> base)
    std::cout << "acceptBaseSharedPtrCopy() with " << base.get() << std::endl;


  void acceptBaseRef(Base base)


} // namespace

namespace bindings

    using namespace boost::python;

    def("getBaseSharedPtr",            &::getBaseSharedPtr);
    def("getDerivedSharedPtr",         &::getDerivedSharedPtr);
    def("acceptBaseSharedPtrRef",      &::acceptBaseSharedPtrRef);
    def("acceptBaseSharedPtrConstRef", &::acceptBaseSharedPtrConstRef);
    def("acceptBaseSharedPtrCopy",     &::acceptBaseSharedPtrCopy);

    def("acceptBaseRef",     &::acceptBaseRef);

    class_<Base, std::shared_ptr<Base> >("Base")

    class_<Derived, bases<Base>, std::shared_ptr<Derived> >("Derived")

    implicitly_convertible<Derived, Base>();
    implicitly_convertible<std::shared_ptr<Derived>, std::shared_ptr<Base>>();


} // namespace bindings

Python execution code

import test_bed_bindings

baseObj = test_bed_bindings.Base()
derivedObj = test_bed_bindings.Derived()

test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseRef( baseObj )
test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseRef( derivedObj )

baseSharedPtr = test_bed_bindings.getBaseSharedPtr()
derivedSharedPtr = test_bed_bindings.getDerivedSharedPtr()

test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseSharedPtrCopy( baseSharedPtr )
test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseSharedPtrCopy( derivedSharedPtr )

test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseSharedPtrConstRef( baseSharedPtr )
test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseSharedPtrConstRef( derivedSharedPtr )

test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseSharedPtrRef( baseSharedPtr )
test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseSharedPtrRef( derivedSharedPtr )

Sample Output

Creating Base shared_ptr - 0x276fdb8
Creating Derived shared_ptr - 0x276fde8
acceptBaseSharedPtrCopy() with 0x276fdb8
acceptBaseSharedPtrCopy() with 0x276fde8
acceptBaseSharedPtrConstRef() with 0x276fdb8
acceptBaseSharedPtrConstRef() with 0x276fde8
acceptBaseSharedPtrRef() with 0x276fdb8
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 21, in <module>
    test_bed_bindings.acceptBaseSharedPtrRef( derivedSharedPtr )
Boost.Python.ArgumentError: Python argument types in
did not match C++ signature:
    acceptBaseSharedPtrRef(std::shared_ptr<(anonymous namespace)::Base> {lvalue})


  • This is intentional. To reduce the chance of a dangling reference and provide explicit directionality between the languages, Boost.Python will pass the temporary object resulting from an rvalue conversion by const reference to functions. The implicit_convertible<Source, Target> function registers an rvalue from-Python conversion. As the result of the converter is an rvalue, one can only accept it by either value or constant reference.

    When a class is registered via boost::python::class_<T, HeldType, Bases> and HeldType is wrapping T:

    • the resulting Python class embeds an instance of HeldType
    • registers to-Python converter from instances of T to an instance of the Python class
    • registers lvalue from-Python converter for instances of the Python class to instances of T
    • registers to-Python converter from instances of HeldType to Python object
    • registers lvalue from-Python converter for instances of the Python class to instances of HeldType
    • for each base in Bases, registers lvalue from-Python converter for instances of the Python class to instances of T in the base (not the base's HeldType)
    • for each polymorphic base in Bases, registers a to-Python converter from instances of T held by a base to the Python class

    With the following setup:

    class base {};
    class derived: public base {};
      namespace python = boost::python;
      python::class_<base, std::shared_ptr<base>>("Base");
      python::class_<derived, python::bases<base>,

    The following lvalue from-Python conversions are possible because the Python object holds an instance of the C++ object:

    • example.Base to base, base&, const base&, std::shared_ptr<base>, std::shared_ptr<base>&, and const std::shared_ptr<base>&
    • example.Derived to base, base&, const base&, derived, derived&, const derived&, std::shared_ptr<derived>, std::shared_ptr<derived>&, and const std::shared_ptr<derived>&

    The following to-Python conversions are possible:

    • base or std::shared_ptr<base> to example.Base
    • derived or std::shared_ptr<derived to example.Derived

    If base was polymorphic, then the following to-Python conversions would be possible:

    • object with dynamic type of derived* and static type of base* to example.Derived
    • std::shared_ptr<base> holding an instance of derived to example.Derived

    The following rvalue conversions is possible due to explicit registration via implicitly_convertible:

    • example.Derived to std::shared_ptr<base> and const std::shared_ptr<base>&

    The difference between an lvalue and an rvalue conversion is whether or not the target C++ object already exists and is being held in a Python object. For example, an lvalue conversion of example.Derived to base& is possible because example.Derived holds an instance of derived which is-a base. On the other hand, an lvalue conversion from example.Derived to std::shared_ptr<base>& is not possible because example.Derived holds an instance of std::shared_ptr<derived>, which does not inherit from std::shared_ptr<base>. Hence, a std::shared_ptr<base> with an unspecified lifetime is constructed and passed as an rvalue argument to the exposed function.

    Here is a complete example demonstrating these conversions:

    #include <boost/python.hpp>
    #include <memory> // std::shared_ptr
    class base {};
    class derived: public base {};
      namespace python = boost::python;
      python::class_<base, std::shared_ptr<base>>("Base");
      python::class_<derived, python::bases<base>, 
      python::def("base_value", +[](base){});
      python::def("base_ref", +[](base&){});
      python::def("base_cref", +[](const base&){});
      python::def("shared_base_value", +[](std::shared_ptr<base>){});
      python::def("shared_base_ref", +[](std::shared_ptr<base>&){});
      python::def("shared_base_cref", +[](const std::shared_ptr<base>&){});
      python::def("derived_value", +[](derived){});
      python::def("derived_ref", +[](derived&){});
      python::def("derived_cref", +[](const derived&){});
      python::def("shared_derived_value", +[](std::shared_ptr<derived>){});
      python::def("shared_derived_ref", +[](std::shared_ptr<derived>&){});
      python::def("shared_derived_cref", +[](const std::shared_ptr<derived>&){});

    Interactive usage:

    >>> base = example.Base()
    >>> example.base_value(base)
    >>> example.base_ref(base)
    >>> example.base_cref(base)
    >>> example.shared_base_value(base)
    >>> example.shared_base_ref(base)
    >>> example.shared_base_cref(base)
    >>> derived = example.Derived()
    >>> example.base_value(derived)
    >>> example.base_ref(derived)
    >>> example.base_cref(derived)
    >>> example.shared_base_value(derived)
    >>> try:
    ...     got_exception = False
    ...     example.shared_base_ref(derived)
    ... except TypeError:
    ...     got_exception = True
    ... finally:
    ...     assert(got_exception)
    >>> example.shared_base_cref(derived)
    >>> example.derived_value(derived)
    >>> example.derived_ref(derived)
    >>> example.derived_cref(derived)
    >>> example.shared_derived_value(derived)
    >>> example.shared_derived_ref(derived)
    >>> example.shared_derived_cref(derived)