Say I have the following CanCan abilities defined
can :index, Project
cannot :show, Project
and an ability_spec
it { have_abilities([:index], Project }
it { not_have_abilities([:show], Project }
are there any situations where it is advantageous to test the unauthorized action at the controller level, or is this superfluous?
describe "GET #show" do
it "raises Access Denied" do
expect {
get :show, { id:}
}.to raise_error(CanCan::AccessDenied)
I would say that just having your ability configuration specs is fine since that exercises your app's business logic. The functionality of raising a CanCan::AccessDenied
error when an ability is unauthorised to perform an action is specced in the CanCan library itself.
If you had your own custom error classes that you were using when access is denied, then I think the case could probably be made to write the kind of controller specs you've mentioned.