I am coding to the Podio .Net API using VB, but having difficulty porting the example C# code for a date range dictionary item to the VB.Net equivalent. Here is a snippet from their .NET API client documentation:
var filter = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"somekey", from = new DateTime(2013, 9, 1), to = new DateTime(2013, 9, 30) }
I am not experienced in C#, so would appreciate any help in the equivalent VB syntax.
The online converters handle this very poorly. SLaks mentioned that we could be calling an extension method here which combines the 2 dates into the Dictionary value, but I could not get this to work in C#, so I don't think that is the case.
The only way to make sense of your original C# code is if we assume that you either did not copy it correctly or the API documentation was wrong, and that the code was intended to be:
var filter = new Dictionary<string, object>()
{"somekey", new { from = new DateTime(2013, 9, 1), to = new DateTime(2013, 9, 30)} }
In this case, the conversion is straightforward and it seems to correspond to what worked for you as mentioned in your comment:
Dim filter = New Dictionary(Of String, Object)() From {
"somekey", New With {
Key .from = New Date(2013, 9, 1),
Key .to = New Date(2013, 9, 30)
And to be fair, the online converter mentioned previously does convert this adjusted C# code fine.