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Capybara can not find element by id

Capybara is not able to find a <p> tag by it's id in my cucumber test. I'm able to see the element when I save_and_open_page. But I can't locate it with has_css? or find:

pry(#<Object>)> page.html.scan(/notice_sent/).count
=> 1
pry(#<Object>)> page.html.scan(/id=\"notice_sent\"/).count
=> 1
pry(#<Object>)> page.find('#notice_sent')
Capybara::ElementNotFound: Unable to find css "#notice_sent"
from /Users/me/.gem/ruby/2.1.7/gems/capybara-2.4.4/lib/capybara/node/finders.rb:41:in 'block in find'

What am I missing?


  • By default Capybara doesn't find elements that are not visible on the page. You can try

    page.find('#notice_sent', visible: :all)

    to see if that's the case. If so, and you're testing an app, then you should perform whatever actions a user would perform that would make that element visible, and then check for its presence.