I would like to write DQL query to select all points being within a rectangle in the map. The rectangle is defined by the top left point and bottom right point. See this link for more details.
To do so, I wrote this DQL query:
$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder()
->from($this->getEntityClassName(), "m")
->where("ST_Within(m.geom, envelope(linestring(:topleft, :bottomright)))")
->setParameter(":topleft", $topleft)
->setParameter(":bottomright", $bottomright)
->orderBy("m.date", "DESC");
The error I am getting is:
[Syntax Error] line 0, col 110: Error: Expected =, <, <=, <>, >, >=, !=, got 'ORDER'
For your information, entity I am querying has a geom attribute defined as follows:
* @var point $geom
* @ORM\Column(type="point", nullable=true)
protected $geom;
For your information, the SQL query is working perfectly. It is as follows:
st_within(point(lng, lat),
envelope(linestring(point(10.090792984008772,36.83717099338201 ),
point(10.310519546508772,36.749467295867646 ))))
The library I am using for DQL numeric functions (such us st_within
) is creof/doctrine2-spatial.
Ready to take any proposal to fix that.
I tried the solution you proposed as follows:
$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder()
->from($this->getEntityClassName(), "m")
"ST_Within(m.geom, envelope(linestring(:topleft, :bottomright)))",
->setParameter(":topleft", $topleft)
->setParameter(":bottomright", $bottomright)
->orderBy("m.date", "DESC");
So, the error I got is:
An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS dctrn_count FROM (SELECT DISTINCT id_0 FROM (SELECT m0_.id AS id_0, m0_.price AS price_1, m0_.year AS year_2, m0_.km AS km_3, m0_.slug AS slug_4, m0_.title AS title_5, m0_.description AS description_6, m0_.address AS address_7, m0_.isPublished AS isPublished_8, m0_.delegation AS delegation_9, m0_.lat AS lat_10, m0_.lng AS lng_11, m0_.date AS date_12, m0_.count AS count_13, AsBinary(m0_.geom) AS geom_14 FROM MotorsAds m0_ WHERE ST_Within(m0_.geom, Envelope(LineString(?, ?))) = 1 ORDER BY m0_.date DESC) dctrn_result) dctrn_table' with params [{}, {}]:
SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1367 Illegal non geometric ''10.090792984009 36.837170993382'' value found during parsing
The solution below will prevent you the problem of conversion a PHP point to DQL query point.
$qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder()
->from($this->getEntityClassName(), "m")
sprintf("ST_Within(m.geom, envelope(linestring(point(:topleftX,:topleftY), point(:bottomrightX,:bottomrightY ))))"),
->setParameter(":topleftX", $topleftX)
->setParameter(":topleftY", $topleftY)
->setParameter(":bottomrightX", $bottomrightX)
->setParameter(":bottomrightY", $bottomrightY)
->orderBy("m.date", "DESC");