I am using struts-2.3.16 and I have to suppress exceptions from Freemarker template globally in our application. This means that, instead of the yellow screen with the stacktrace from Freemarker, I have to forward to a global jsp that displays a generic message, so preventing the display of stacktraces to the user. For generic exceptions in struts we mapped a global-results in struts.xml, but it's not working for Freemarker exceptions.
So far I have implemented the solution from What are different ways to handle error in FreeMarker template?. So I created a CustomFreemarkerManager and a CustomTemplateExceptionHandler.
My CustomFreemarkerManager looks like this:
public void init(ServletContext servletContext) throws TemplateException {
super.config = super.createConfiguration(servletContext);
super.config.setTemplateExceptionHandler(new CustomTemplateExceptionHandler(servletContext));
super.contentType = "text/html";
super.wrapper = super.createObjectWrapper(servletContext);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Using object wrapper of class " + super.wrapper.getClass().getName(), new String[0]);
super.templatePath = servletContext.getInitParameter("TemplatePath");
if (super.templatePath == null) {
super.templatePath = servletContext.getInitParameter("templatePath");
super.configureTemplateLoader(super.createTemplateLoader(servletContext, super.templatePath));
protected Configuration createConfiguration(ServletContext servletContext) throws TemplateException {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.setTemplateExceptionHandler(new CustomTemplateExceptionHandler(servletContext));
if (super.mruMaxStrongSize > 0) {
configuration.setSetting("cache_storage", "strong:" + super.mruMaxStrongSize);
if (super.templateUpdateDelay != null) {
configuration.setSetting("template_update_delay", super.templateUpdateDelay);
if (super.encoding != null) {
return configuration;
From here I send the ServletContext to my CustomTemplateExceptionHandler so I can create a RequestDispatcher to forward to my exception.jsp. The problem is that in the exception handler I don't have the request and the response and I can't forward to my jsp.
The class CustomTemplateExceptionHandler looks like this so far:
private ServletContext servletContext;
public CustomTemplateExceptionHandler(ServletContext servletContext) {
this.servletContext = servletContext;
public void handleTemplateException(TemplateException te, Environment env, Writer out) throws TemplateException {
if (servletContext != null) {
RequestDispatcher requestDispatcher = servletContext.getRequestDispatcher("/resources/exception.jsp");
//HERE I have to forward to my jsp
Anybody knows how can I do that? I want the stacktrace to be logged only on the server, and in the UI to replace the stacktrace with a generic message.
Ok, so my solution for this problem was to print on the PrintWriter that comes in my CustomTemplateExceptionHandler a response similar with the standard HTML_DEBUG_HANDLER offered by Freemarker. Check out this link:
Here you can see how HTML_DEBUG_HANDLER is managed. I replaced printing the stacktrace with a general message. The Freemarker documentation advise you to use RETHROW_HANDLER and catch the exception later in your application after the call of Template.process(). See here:
But because Struts2 is working with Freemarker backstage, and the Freemarker methods are executed after the action was executed, I couldn't figure it out how and where to catch the exception. I have managed to get the HttpServlet response and request in the method handleTemplateException() (see the question), but I could not forward to my exception.jsp because the response was already committed and so it was giving me an exception.
The final code looks like this:
Class CustomFreemarkerManager:
public void init(ServletContext servletContext) throws TemplateException {
super.config = super.createConfiguration(servletContext);
super.config.setTemplateExceptionHandler(new CustomTemplateExceptionHandler());
super.contentType = "text/html";
super.wrapper = super.createObjectWrapper(servletContext);
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug("Using object wrapper of class " + super.wrapper.getClass().getName(), new String[0]);
super.templatePath = servletContext.getInitParameter("TemplatePath");
if (super.templatePath == null) {
super.templatePath = servletContext.getInitParameter("templatePath");
super.configureTemplateLoader(super.createTemplateLoader(servletContext, super.templatePath));
protected Configuration createConfiguration(ServletContext servletContext) throws TemplateException {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();
configuration.setTemplateExceptionHandler(new CustomTemplateExceptionHandler());
if (super.mruMaxStrongSize > 0) {
configuration.setSetting("cache_storage", "strong:" + super.mruMaxStrongSize);
if (super.templateUpdateDelay != null) {
configuration.setSetting("template_update_delay", super.templateUpdateDelay);
if (super.encoding != null) {
return configuration;
Class CustomTemplateExceptionHandler:
public void handleTemplateException(TemplateException te, Environment env, Writer out) throws TemplateException {
boolean externalPw = out instanceof PrintWriter;
PrintWriter pw = externalPw ? (PrintWriter) out : new PrintWriter(out);
try {
pw.print("<!-- ERROR MESSAGE STARTS HERE -->"
+ "<!-- ]]> -->"
+ "</table></table></table>"
+ "<div align='left' style='"
+ "background-color:#FFFF7C; "
+ "display:block; "
+ "border-top:double; "
+ "padding:10px; "
+ "'>");
pw.print("<b style='"
+ "color: red; "
+ "font-size:14px; "
+ "font-style:normal; "
+ "font-weight:bold; "
+ "'>"
+ "Oops! We have encountered a problem. Please try again!"
+ "</b>");
pw.flush(); // To commit the HTTP response
} finally {
if (!externalPw) pw.close();
throw te;
If anyone finds a better response to this please post your answer!