I want to allocate more heap space to my tomcat JVM running on a Windows machine. Regardless which value I choose or how/where I configure it, the startup.bat refuses to do its job afterwards. It only runs if it's set to "1024m".
I even have changed (test-wise) the amount in "catalina.bat" like this:
set CATALINA_OPTS= -Xmx2048m
(and it runs with set CATALINA_OPTS= -Xmx1024m
When I call startup.bat a new cmd window appears for a second. The "calling" cmd window doesn't do anything. The tomcat server doesn't even collect any logs.
Instead of startup.bat, try using catalina.bat.
The catalina.bat script takes various optional parameters, once of which is run, which Tomcat starts in the current window.
i.e. type the following:
catalina run
then you should be able to see any error messages.