I had some particular uncommitted changes in my development branch and I stashed them using git stash
command, and I am re applying those stashed changes using git pop
But this specific state I want to preserve (If possible then may me in some text format).
Because there are many times I have some uncommitted changes which are not particular I am doing that just sake for branch changing activity so my particular stashed changes get overlapped(removed). So I want to preserve that particular stash.
Is there any chance I can preserve the specific stashed changes in some file if possible?
Because there are many times I have some uncommitted changes which are not particular I am doing that just sake for branch changing activity so my particular stashed changes get overlapped(removed). So I want to preserve that particular stash.
You can have Multiple stashes
git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 686b55d Add wolves.
stash@{1}: WIP on gerbils: b2bdead Add dogs.
stash@{2}: WIP on gerbils: b2bdead Add dogs.
Stash names are shown in the list. And gives you the list of stashs which are saved in stash's stack.
$ git stash apply stash@{1}
# On branch gerbils
# Changes not staged for commit:
# modified: index.html
is the default when applying; specify the stash name to apply
a different one
git stash apply <stash-name>
Hope this help you !!!