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Check if string ends with number and get the number if true

How can i check if a string ends with a number and if true, push the number to an array (for example)? I know how to check if a string ends with a number, I solved it like this:

$mystring = "t123";

$ret = preg_match("/t[0-9+]/", $mystring);
if ($ret == true)
    echo "preg_match <br>";
    //Now get the number
    echo "no match <br>";

Let's assume all strings start with the letter t and are composited with a number e.g. t1,t224, t353253 ...

But how can I cut this number out if there is one? In my code example there is 123 at the end of the string, how can I cut it out and for example push it to an array with array_push?


  • $number = preg_replace("/^t(\d+)$/", "$1", $mystring);
    if (is_numeric($number)) {

    This should give you the trailing number. Simply check that if it's numeric, push it to your array



    Just realize that this doesn't work with string like this t123t225. If you need to support this case, use this pattern instead: /^t.*?(\d+)$/. This means it tries to capture whatever ends with the number, ignoring everything in between t and number, and has to start with t.
