How can i check if a string ends with a number and if true, push the number to an array (for example)? I know how to check if a string ends with a number, I solved it like this:
$mystring = "t123";
$ret = preg_match("/t[0-9+]/", $mystring);
if ($ret == true)
echo "preg_match <br>";
//Now get the number
echo "no match <br>";
Let's assume all strings start with the letter t
and are composited with a number e.g. t1
, t353253
But how can I cut this number out if there is one? In my code example there is 123
at the end of the string, how can I cut it out and for example push it to an array with array_push
$number = preg_replace("/^t(\d+)$/", "$1", $mystring);
if (is_numeric($number)) {
This should give you the trailing number. Simply check that if it's numeric, push it to your array
Just realize that this doesn't work with string like this t123t225
. If you need to support this case, use this pattern instead: /^t.*?(\d+)$/
. This means it tries to capture whatever ends with the number, ignoring everything in between t
and number, and has to start with t