I'm trying to make an app in Rails 4 and using Statesman for states.
In my project model, I want to display the :current_state of an object. However, I don't want the name of the attribute to appear. Instead, I want to write a human friendly state that can be rendered if the object is in the corresponding state.
For example, I have defined a state called :request_approval.
In my projects show page, I can write:
<%= @project.current_state %>
and the output is request_approval.
How can I write something that says if project is in current_state :request_approval, render: Awaiting a response to your request for approval? Can I make some kind of method in my model to do that?
In your projects_helper
you can write a method:
def text_for_state(state)
case state
when 'request_approval'
'Awaiting Response'
when 'something_else'
'Then Something Else'
And in your view just write:
<%= text_for_state(@project.current_state) %>
This is a option there may be better solutions to do this.