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DBVisualizer and HIVE

I am using DBVisualizer 9.2 and Cloudera 5.4.1

I want to setup my db visualizer such that I can query hive database from the dbvisualizer tool.

I downloaded the jdbc driver for HIVE from here

I extracted all the jar files in /Users/User1/.dbvis/jdbc

But now, when I start dbvisualizer, I get an error

 Ignored as there is no matching Default Driver for "com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS1Driver", "com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver"

So my question is, has anyone successfully configured the DBVisualizer tool to connect to cloudera hive server?


  • After several hours of troubleshooting. I was able to resolve the error and successfully connect to HIVE from DB Visualizer using the HIVE JDBC Driver from cloudera.

    These are the steps I took

    1. First go to Tools -> Tool Properties -> Driver finder paths.

    Here register a new empty directory. this will be the place where you will download all your jars.

    1. First in this directory extract all the JAR files which come along with the cloudera JDBC Hive Driver.

    1. Now go to Tools -> driver manager and select Hive. In the "user specified" tab. click on the "folder icon" on the right hand side and select all the jar files which you just unzipped. (not just the folder... select all jars).

    2. Make sure you select com.cloudera.hive.jdbc41.HS2Driver

    3. Now define connection to Hive using these parameters

    url: jdbc:hive2://foo:10000/default user: admin password: admin

    1. Now when I tried to connect, I still got errors.

      "Type: java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException"

    2. In order to resolve the above, I you need to see the error log. (this was the most important step).

    Tools -> Debug Window -> Error log

    Here I saw that the mysterious "UndeclaredThrowableException" is occuring because a bunch of class files like http utils, http core, hadoop core, hive core and hive cli jar files were missing. I downloaded these jars from maven central

    • hadoop-core-0.20.2.jar
    • hive-exec-2.0.0.jar
    • hive-service-1.1.1.jar
    • httpclient-4.5.2.jar
    • httpcore-4.4.4.jar

    and again I went inside Tools->DriverManager -> Hive -> user defined and clicked on folder on right hand side and selected each of these jars as well.

    Now when I restarted DBVisualizer, I connected to hive just fine and I can query it using DBVisualizer.