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Get range between colors in MS Access color format

In database, I have stored colors only in MS Access color format (decimal format of BGR): it looks like 8689859 => brown => #c39884 ... But I need to filter by the color range, I mean user use the color picker and pick the eg. #ffffff color. And I would like to return all rows with color alike the #ffffff (not exactly the same color but +- in same range).

Is something like that possible?


  • I guess the =- range should apply to each of the separate colour elements in the BGR value. In this case you need to extract these elements, like this:

    SELECT colour
          ,Fix([Colour]/(256*256)) as B
          ,Fix(([Colour]-Fix([Colour]/(256*256))*256*256)/256) as G
          ,[Colour]-Fix([Colour]/(256*256))*256*256-Fix(([Colour]-Fix([Colour]/(256*256))*256*256)/256)*256 as R
    FROM MyColours

    I recommend you put these into separate functions like GetR, GetB, GetG

    You can even make the computed fields and apply them to your table:

    Colours Table with computed fields

    Now, to lookup your table you need to split the selected colour in B G R elements as well:

    Dim selectedColour as Integer
    Dim rr as Integer
    Dim gg as Integer
    Dim bb as Integer
    selectedColour = 11124168 ' A9BDC8 - selected from the colour picker
    rr = getR(selectedColour)
    gg = getG(selectedColour)
    bb = getB(selectedColour)

    If you have the computed fields in the table then the query will be:

    SELECT colour 
    FROM MyColours
    WHERE B BETWEEN bb-4 AND bb+4 
    AND G BETWEEN gg-4 AND gg+4 
    AND R BETWEEN rr-4 AND rr+4 

    If you do not want the computed fields use the VBA functions:

    SELECT colour 
    FROM MyColours
    WHERE getB(colour) BETWEEN bb-4 AND bb+4 
    AND getG(Colour) BETWEEN gg-4 AND gg+4 
    AND getR(Colour) BETWEEN rr-4 AND rr+4