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Android - Gaussian blur like effect - OpenGL

Where not specified this question is just building on top of the CameraCaptureActivity within the grafika project found on github.

It has a built in blur effect that utilises a 3x3 kernel

kernel = new float[] {
    1f/16f, 2f/16f, 1f/16f,
    2f/16f, 4f/16f, 2f/16f,
    1f/16f, 2f/16f, 1f/16f };

However this blur effect is not strong enough, im looking for something like what the gaussian effect can do on iOS with UIVisualEffectView, it looks something like this:

A nice smooth heavy blur effect but so far the best ive managed is this:

As you can see it is not nearly as smooth and also a bit squarish.

I achieved this by converting to a 5x5 kernel generated using this handy tool with a sigma of 30 and kernel size of 5. It produces the following:

kernel = new float[] {
    0.039911f,  0.039978f,  0.04f,      0.039978f,  0.039911f,
    0.039978f,  0.040044f,  0.040067f,  0.040044f,  0.039978f,
    0.04f,      0.040067f,  0.040089f,  0.040067f,  0.04f,
    0.039978f,  0.040044f,  0.040067f,  0.040044f,  0.039978f,
    0.039911f,  0.039978f,  0.04f,      0.039978f,  0.039911f

In order to get the to work within the Grafika project i had to modify KERNEL_SIZE and mTexOffset within the Texture2dProgram class

KERNEL_SIZE is now 25 and mTextOffset is now calculated like so:

public void setTexSize(int width, int height) {

    float rw = 50.0f / width;
    float rh = 50.0f / height;

    float rw50 = rw * 0.5f;
    float rh50 = rh * 0.5f;

    mTexOffset = new float[] {
            -rw, -rh,   -rw50, -rh,     0f, -rh,    rw50, -rh,      rw, -rh,
            -rw, -rh50, -rw50, -rh50,   0f, -rh50,  rw50, -rh50,    rw, -rh50,
            -rw, 0f,    -rw50, 0f,      0f, 0f,     rw50, -0f,      rw, 0f,
            -rw, rh50,  -rw50, rh50,    0f, rh50,   rw50, rh50,     rw, rh50,
            -rw, rh,    -rw50, rh,      0f, rh,     rw50, rh,       rw, rh

Does anyone have an suggestions on what i could modify to achieve an iOS like blur (i think iOS is also lightening pixels as well)? I think where i am really going wrong is the setTextSize() calculation, specifically the 50.0f value, i have just plucked this from thin air and observed the effect it has


  • Convolution with an actual blur kernel is a computationally intensive task, even on a GPU. There are a few techniques that make it work better:

    • The Gaussian kernel can be decomposed into X and Y components, which are computed separately. This technique is used by image manipulation programs because it is relatively fast and accurate.

    • Instead of using the Gaussian kernel, you can use Poisson disc sampling to blur the image.

    • You can use a multi-pass Kawase filter as an approximation to a Gaussian filter.

    • Sampling from lower resolution mip maps will result in better performance for a given subjective blur quality.

    • You can sample from between texels in order to hijack texture interpolation and get more taps than you would otherwise get.

    It will generally take some fine-tuning to get it to "look right" once you start making these tradeoffs. A good summary is available at An investigation of fast real-time GPU-based image blur algorithms (Filip S., 2014).