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Programmatically package a MATLAB toolbox

The toolbox packaging functionality new in R2014b looks pretty nice.

However, you seem to be able to package a toolbox only via the toolbox-packaging GUI.

I'd like to be able to create a .prj file interactively using the GUI, and then programmatically package the toolbox using this .prj file, incorporating this programmatic step into a wider build process (which also includes checking things out, running a unit-test suite etc).

Does anyone know of a way to do this (documented or not, supported or not)?

I took a look at MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\matlab\toolbox_packaging\+matlab\+tbxpkg\+internal\create.m - this seems to mostly do the job, but it requires that the .prj file is in a specific location relative to the toolbox folder.

I was hoping for something similar to the app-building classes such as matlab.apputil.


  • As of R2016a there is new functionality to programmatically package a toolbox.