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interpretation of sizes of fields (bitmap) ISO8583

What should be the correct interpretation for the sizes of each bit represents :

Bitmap  attribue  length in bytes
1       b 1       16 (every two, representing a binary byte)
52      b 64      ???
64      b 64      ???
65      b 1       ??? (will be 16 too ?)
96      b 64      ???
128     b 64      ???

Need to implement the treatment for this information.



  • The docs for all fields is e.g. here. 1 is "Bit Map Extended", 52 is "Personal Identification number data", 64 is "Message authentication code (MAC)", 65 is "Bit map, tertiary", and so on (though the lengths are not as you give them -- see the same Wikipedia page I've already pointed to, it's quite informative).

    If you need the authoritative reference, you'll need to splurge 252 Swiss Francs to ISO for a PDF or paper copy of the official standard, of course.