My question is: when there are two actors in a use case, and one performs a specific use case or action for themselves, but there is another actor which can perform that same use case/action for the other actor (with a couple additional steps), do they both point to the same use case?
I have a scenario below:
So, I have two actors: Student and Counselor (Both are Users).
A student can create their own schedule. A counselor can create a schedule for a student (i.e. on behalf of another student, not themselves). In this scenario, the teacher must also search for a student (which the student does not have to do in their use case). I'm guessing this could possibly << extend >> the "Create Schedule", but again it's only applicable for the Counselor actor.
A use case shall always express the added value the system under consideration creates for the actor. So "... on behalf" does not express the added value. Rather you should model this with a single use case and express the "on behalf" as a constraint. It can be done either by adding a role (the User you named)
Or you can also do it directly like this: