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Why isn't the host auto pulling the changes?

My host isn't pulling the changes automatically(at-least once in 30 minutes). I have to manually force it every time to see the changes. Am I missing any parameter/resource description in init.pp? My init.pp looks like below:

class checkout {
file { '/example/test12/':
ensure  => directory,
 mode    => '0755',
 recurse => true,
source  => 'puppet:///extra/'


  • Your manifests (init.pp, for instance) specify what to apply, not when to apply it. It is the configuration of each agent that determines how often it performs a catalog run. If you can trigger a catalog run manually, but runs do not happen automatically, then the most likely conclusion is that the puppet agent service is not running. Alternatively, it may be that the agent in question is configured with a longer run interval than you thought -- the 30 minutes is just a default.