I am trying to use gnu parallel to run tests. I have tried this command but it doesnt work and I dont know what im doing wrong.
seq 01 35 | parallel java -javaagent:build/libs/pddl4j-3.0.21-SNAPSHOT.jar
-server -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.hsp.HSP -o pddl/blocksworld/
domain.pddl -f pddl/blocksworld/p{}.pddl -i 8 >> pddl{}.txt
This is what I have tried to run which will run my program against all of the test files inside the folder "blocksworld"
java -javaagent:build/libs/pddl4j-3.0.21-SNAPSHOT.jar -server -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m
fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.hsp.HSP -o pddl/blocksworld/
domain.pddl -f pddl/blocksworld/p01.pddl -i 8 >> pddl01.txt
This above is what I use to run just one test and save the output to a txt file. Can anyone help so I can use parallel to run them in parallel please.
You need to quote the '>>'.
seq 01 35 | parallel java -javaagent:build/libs/pddl4j-3.0.21-SNAPSHOT.jar
-server -Xms2048m -Xmx2048m fr.uga.pddl4j.planners.hsp.HSP -o pddl/blocksworld/
domain.pddl -f pddl/blocksworld/p{}.pddl -i 8 '>>' pddl{}.txt