Using the iOS SDK, I tried to set the license token like this:
#define YOUR_AFFDEX_LICENSE_STRING_GOES_HERE @"090b118356d7c6afc08b6b58763...snip...56ade05a27c71c80f221"
but when I tried to run your AffdexMe demo, it says
Detector Error. No license provided.
When setting the macro, you need to use the contents of the SDK license file that you received from Affectiva. When you inspect the license file's contents, you see a JSON string like this:
{"token": "1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef", "licensor": "Affectiva Inc.", "expires": "2019-04-15", "developerId": "", "software": "Affdex SDK"}
Set the macro accordingly:
#define YOUR_AFFDEX_LICENSE_STRING_GOES_HERE {\"token\": \"1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef\", \"licensor\": \"Affectiva Inc.\", \"expires\": \"2019-04-15\", \"developerId\": \"\", \"software\": \"Affdex SDK\"}
Note that it is important to escape each double quote character with the backslash character so that the C preprocessor doesn't get confused.