As in the title, are read and write operations regarding uint8, atomic? Logically it must be a single cpu instruction obviously to read and write for a 8 bit variable. But in any case, two cores could simultaneously read and write from the memory, is it possible to create a stale data this way?
There's no guarantee that the access on native types are on any platform atomic. This is why there is sync/atomic
. See also the advice in the memory model documentation.
Example for generic way of atomically setting a value (Play)
var ax atomic.Value // may be globally accessible
x := uint8(5)
// set atomically
x = ax.Load().(uint8)
Probably more efficient solution for uint8
var ax int64 // may be globally accessible
x := uint8(5)
atomic.StoreInt64(&ax, 10)
x = uint8(atomic.LoadInt64(&ax))
fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", x, x)