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How to "tail" the modsecurity logfile until a certain timestamp?

I have a modsecurity logfile where I want to get the last events until a certain timestamp. A short introduction in how modsecurity logfiles are assembled: for example, 1 event is presented like:

[16/Mar/2016:20:13:02 +0100]

A full example can be found here

I was thinking to combine tail and grep.

  1. grep to find the line of the timestamp (lets call this line timestampLine)
  2. tailLines = (total lines in the file) - (timestampLine + 1)
    //+ 1 because a request has the first line with --id-A-- and second line the timestamp
  3. tail -n $tailLines logfile.log

Is there a better way? If not, how do I grep this timestamp and get the line-number from step 1?


  • awk '{print};/\[16\/Mar\/2016:20:13:02/ {exit}' logfile