What mongoDB operation can I use to add a object to array, or, if object is already in array then update one of its values.
Here is an example of my mongodb data:
"_id" : "1",
"channelStatuses" : [
"channel" : "FOO",
"status" : "done"
"_id" : "2",
"channelStatuses" : [
"channel" : "BAR",
"status" : "done"
"_id" : "3",
"channelStatuses" : [
"channel" : "BAZ",
"status" : "error"
"_id" : "3",
"channelStatuses" : []
What I would want to do, is to use mongodb-update to update all the data in the collection. Lets say I need to modify the statuses of all 'BAR'-channels. I want the update to either:
Add a new channelStatus {"channel" : "BAR", "status" : "done"} to all objects in the collection.
If a object already has a channelStatus with "channel" : "BAR", it would only update the "status" to "done" of that object.
If I simply use addToSet, it will add duplicates, for example: channelStatuses:[{"channel" : "BAR", "status" : "done"}, {"channel" : "BAR", "status" : "error"}]
An acceptable way for me to do this would be to first delete the old object, and then use addToSet to add the new one. But is there a way to do this in one update?
If a object already has a channelStatus with "channel" : "BAR"
, update the value of status
through $set
> db.collection.update({'channelStatuses.channel': {$eq: 'BAR'}},
{$set: {'channelStatuses.$.status': 'done'}}, {multi: true})
Otherwise, add new channel
to channelStatuses
through $addToSet
> db.collection.update({'channelStatuses.channel': {$ne: 'BAR'}},
{$addToSet: {'channelStatuses': {channel: 'BAR', status: 'done'}}},
{multi: true})