I got a project to convert Silk Test
to some other GUI testing framework. I can't understand how the Silk Test script organized by [-]
and [+]
are there someone help me to understand the meaning? Here is a sample script
[+] if(AssignSymbolToCatalogNumber.Exists(4))
[ ] AssignSymbolToCatalogNumber.setActive()
[ ] Sleep(1)
[ ] AssignSymbolToCatalogNumber.notMapToCatalog.SetFocus()
[ ] AssignSymbolToCatalogNumber.notMapToCatalog.Click()
[ ] WaitForDialogExists (Keep)
[-] if !Keep1.Exists (1)
[ ] ResLog.LogFail ("The number {i} Keep dialog did not pop up!")
[ ] goto EndProgram
[-] else
[ ] Keep1.SetActive ()
[ ] Keep1.RadioList1RL.Select ("#1")
[ ] Keep1.ShowEditDialogAfterEachCK.Check ()
[ ] Keep1.OK.Click ()
[ ]
[ ] WaitForDialogExists (InsertEditChildComponent)
[-] if !InsertEditChildComponent.Exists (1)
[ ] ResLog.LogFail ("Insert/Edit child component dialog did not pop up!")
[ ] goto EndProgram
[-] else
[ ] InsertEditChildComponent.SetActive ()
[ ] InsertEditChildComponent.ParentSiblingPB.Click ()
[ ]
[ ] Sleep (1)
In Silk Test's 4Test language, blocks are indicated by an additional tab
-character in the indentation, similar to Python.
The [+]
and [-]
tags are an indication for the code-editor that a new block begins and also encode the folding status of that block. That means that when you fold that block in the IDE, it will become [-]
and if you open it up again, it will become [+]
For the purpose of running a script they make no difference, it's only relevant for displaying the code.