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Python module written in Golang and C

I follow this tutorial

to write this code, in C:

#define Py_LIMITED_API
#include <Python.h>

PyObject * startVM(PyObject *, PyObject *);

int PyArg_ParseTuple_S(PyObject * args, char* a) {  
    return PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &a);

static PyMethodDef FooMethods[] = {  
    {"startVM", startVM, METH_VARARGS, "Starts."},
    {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL}

static struct PyModuleDef foomodule = {  
   PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, "foo", NULL, -1, FooMethods

PyMODINIT_FUNC PyInit_foo(void) {
    return PyModule_Create(&foomodule);

and this code in GO:

package main

import "fmt"

// #cgo pkg-config: python3
// #define Py_LIMITED_API
// #include <Python.h>
// int PyArg_ParseTuple_S(PyObject *,char *);
import "C"

//export startVM
func startVM(self, args *C.PyObject) {  
    var a *C.char
    if C.PyArg_ParseTuple_S(args, a) == 0 {
        //return nil
    //return C.PyBytes_FromString(&a)

func main() {}  

I can compile the code in go, but when I call in python the module with this command: python3 -c 'import foo; foo.startVM("hello")', it prints nil and results in segmentation fault... Could someone know how to fix it? Thanks in advance.


  • Nil output

    This function:

    int PyArg_ParseTuple_S(PyObject * args, char* a) {
        return PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &a);

    will only set the local copy of a and won't return it into the calling function, because you pass the string pointer by value (by copying) so PyArg_ParseTuple only sets the copy.

    var a *C.char
    C.PyArg_ParseTuple_S(args, a)
    // Here `a` is not set, so it keeps its default value: nil.

    You can solve this by passing pointer to your string instead of a string itself:

    // C
    int PyArg_ParseTuple_S(PyObject * args, char** a) {
        return PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", a);
    // Go
    var a *C.char
    if C.PyArg_ParseTuple_S(args, &a) == 0 {
        //return nil

    Correct printing

    fmt.Println(a) will print the address held by a, and not the string, which it points to. Go has own type for strings and does not work with C strings.

    If you want to print the text properly, you must convert it using C.GoString:

    // C string to Go string
    func C.GoString(*C.char) string


    For example:

    str := C.GoString(a)

    Segmentation fault.

    I'm not familiar with python modules development, but I can assume, that the fault happens, because python method is expected to return a valid PyObject* or NULL. But you code does none of that. The return value of startVM is not set and it doesn't default to nil, python accepts this non-nil pointer as a valid object and dereferences it, which causes segmentation error.

    Specifying the return type of startVM might help:

    //export startVM
    func startVM(self, args *C.PyObject) *C.PyObject {  
        // ...some code...
        return nil