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Disabling warning variable might not have been initialized?

I have 2 variables, and according to some case in an if else I either use the code with the first variable variable1 or else the code with the second one variable2.

Both of the variables are declared as final and I only assign them at the condition and I use different statements on them.

Any idea on how I could disable the android warning for both of these statements ?

Is there any other way to do this without using asserts or checking if the variable has the value null after I initialize it in the if or else ?

I am very certain that my code does work and there is no way I use a variable which is not initialized, I would prefer a way to disable only the warnings for these statements and not for the whole project.

Which would be the best way to implement this ?

private static class foo {

private final objectwhatever variable1;
private final objectwhatever variable2;

public foo(){

   if ( condition 1)
          variable1 = new objectwhatever();
          statements in variable1

  else ( condition 2)
          variable2 = new objectwhatever();
          statements in variable2



  • A final variable must be assigned once in the constructor or out of it. This is a Java rule, you cannot disable the error warning. But, if you remove final, the error will disappear.

    For some reason, you may want to disable all Android lints, i.e. by using @SuppressWarnings("ALL") to your class or method:

    private static class foo {
        private objectwhatever variable1;
        private objectwhatever variable2;

    Hope that helps!