I need to add Google login in my Ionic v2 app.
Currently I cannot use the Ionic Authentication service because it's not ready for v2 yet.
I've also tried the ng2-cordova-oauth plugin but I cannot use ionic serve
or Ionic View to test the authentication which is a huge inconvenience for me because I no longer have an easy way to show the app to the client.
So... any alternative?
Firebase user authentication is an alternative , you can implement google authentification with few lines of code
var ref = new Firebase("https://<YOUR-FIREBASE-APP>.firebaseio.com");
ref.authWithOAuthPopup("google", function(error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log("Login Failed!", error);
} else {
console.log("Authenticated successfully with payload:", authData);
please see the documentation here firebase documentation