this question is regarding Object Oriented Analysis and design ,UML
in object oriented analysis final result is the class diagramme of system am i right?
in object oriented design final result is implement the class diagramme in code am i right ?
what is the use of UML diagramms in OOAD?
in object oriented analysis final result is the class diagramme of system am i right? No. The result of the analysis is a model that represents the problem domain. Any diagram used is just a means to reflect the model to its readers.
in object oriented design final result is implement the class diagramme in code am i right ? No. The result is an architectural model which is based on the analysis model. You might be able to generate code from this model. At least a coder can take this model to transform it to code.
what is the use of UML diagramms in OOAD? UML diagrams are used to visualize the model of the problem domain. You can live without the diagrams, but they support communication between humans.
You will use different diagram types depending on what part(s) of the model you will shed light on.