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Unicode representation of an object back into an object (in python)

FYI - this is program uses Django but I am NOT tagging it as such because it is not a django problem. The django code is here for context

~~The Background~~

I uncovered a bug that I had in a program. In short, I am using urlparse.urlparse to get information from a given URI and save it to a database.

The goal is to do something like this:

url = urlparse.urlparse('')
some_instance = Domain(address=url.netloc)

~~The Problem~~

The problem is that because of a mistake in coding, the database is full of the urlparse object. Therefore, when recalling the instance from the database the result is a unicode string:

some_instance = Domain.objects.get(pk=XX)
>>> u"ParseResult(scheme=u'http', netloc=u'', path=u'/', params='', query=u'_vsrefdom=googleppc', fragment='')"


~~The Question~~

Clearly I need to go back and fix a number of records. What I am curious to know is if there is a good pythonic way to restore a unicode representation of an object (not the actual .__unicode__() return) back into the object itself.


I have looked around a bit on Google and StackOverflow, problem is any search I have come across deals with the output of the .__unicode__() and not the whole representation itself.


  • For that you can use eval; even though generally frowned upon, it is acceptable in this case.

    >>> from urlparse import ParseResult
    >>> s = u"ParseResult(scheme=u'http', netloc=u'', path=u'/', params='', query=u'_vsrefdom=googleppc', fragment='')"
    >>> pr = eval(s)
    >>> pr.scheme, pr.netloc
    (u'http', u'')