I have followed many accepted answers and many tutorials to know the way to add scroll view with Auto Layout but none of them helped me. Thus, I am now posting that as a question.
The common thing I found in the answers and tutorial is that none of them used Navigation Bar and the content which they are showing can come within the bounds of the screen but we need to scroll when content can't come within the bounds of screen. I have shared the image along with this question and my question is how can I show this on Scroll view on iPhone 5 screen with the help of Auto Layout.
I am working on an iPad Application and I have set the following constraints.
Please see them in an image below:
try this constraints...
For topbar
pinned all 4 edges
and give height constraint
For scrollview
pinned all 4 edges
For View inside scrollview
pinned all 4 edges
equal width to superview
and height constraint