I tried to get the OS name in Golang The below is my code.
// GetOsName.go
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("systeminfo","|","findstr","/B","/C:\"OS Name\"")
Out,err:=exec.Command("systeminfo","|","findstr","/B","/C:\"OS Name\"").Output()
if err!=nil{
But when i execute the code i get this message
systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name"
Err: exit status 1
The command is right. When i try to execute the command in separate it works fine. Help me to solve this Thanks in Advance.
Your command is not right. Your command is shell code and cannot be executed except by a shell (here cmd.exe). If you really want to get the OS name like this: Execute cmd.exe with your command as an argument. You might consider executing systeminfo.exe and parsing the output in Go (instead of the shell).