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Is using Serializable in Android bad?

I've been reading a lot of posts and articles extolling the speed of Parcelable over Serializable. I've been using both for a while to pass data between Activities through Intents, and have yet to notice any speed difference when switching between the two. The typical amount of data I have to transfer is 5 to 15 nested objects with 2 to 5 fields each.

Since I have about 30 classes which must be transferable, implementing Parcelable requires a lot of boilerplate code that adds maintenance time. One of my current requirements is also that the compiled code should be as small as possible; I expect that I could spare some space by using Serializable over Parcelable.

Should I use Parcelable or is there no reason to use it over Serializable for such small amounts of data? Or is there another reason why I shouldn't use Serializable?


  • For in-memory use, Parcelable is far, far better than Serializable. I strongly recommend not using Serializable.

    You can't use Parcelable for data that will be stored on disk (because it doesn't have good guarantees about data consistency when things change), however Serializable is slow enough that I would strongly urge not using it there either. You are better off writing the data yourself.

    Also, one of the performance issues with Serializable is that it ends to spin through lots of temporary objects, causing lots of GC activity in your app. It's pretty heinous. :}