I have been provided with a file containing data on recorded sightings of species, which is laid out in the format;
"Species", "\t", "Latitude", "\t", "Longitude"
I need to define a function that will load the data from the file into a list, whilst for every line in the list spiting it into three components, species name, latitude and longitude.
This is what i have but it is not working:
def LineToList(FileName):
FileIn = open(FileName, "r")
DataList = []
for Line in FileIn:
Line = Line.rstrip()
EntryList = []
for Entry in Line:
Entry = Line.split("\t")
return DataList
I need the data on each line to be separated so that i can use it later to calculate where the species was located within a certain distance of a given location.
Sample Data:
Myotis nattereri 54.07663633 -1.006446707
Myotis nattereri 54.25637837 -1.002130504
Myotis nattereri 54.25637837 -1.002130504
I am Trying to print one line of the data set to test if it is splittiing correctly but nothing is showing in the shell
This is the code i am working with now;
def LineToList(FileName):
FileIn = open(FileName, "r")
DataList = []
for Line in FileIn:
Line = Line.rstrip()
EntryList = []
for Entry in Line:
Entry = Line.split("\t")
return EntryList
return DataList
def CalculateDistance(Lat1, Lon1, Lat2, Lon2):
Lat1 = float(Lat1)
Lon1 = float(Lon1)
Lat2 = float(Lat2)
Lon2 = float(Lon2)
nDLat = (Lat1 - Lat2) * 0.017453293
nDLon = (Lon1 - Lon2) * 0.017453293
Lat1 = Lat1 * 0.017453293
Lat2 = Lat2 * 0.017453293
nA = (math.sin(nDLat/2) ** 2) + math.cos(Lat1) * math.cos(Lat2) * (math.sin(nDLon/2) ** 2 )
nC = 2 * math.atan2(math.sqrt(nA),math.sqrt( 1 - nA ))
nD = 6372.797 * nC
return nD
DataList = LineToList("Mammal.txt")
for Line in DataList:
LocationCount = 0
CalculateDistance(Entry[1], Entry[2], 54.988056, -1.619444)
if CalculateDistance <= 10:
LocationCount += 1
print("Number Recordings within Location Range:", LocationCount)
When running the programme come up with an error:
CalculateDistance(Entry[1], Entry[2], 54.988056, -1.619444) NameError: name 'Entry' is not defined
Your DataList variable is local to the LineToList function; you have to assign to another variable at file scope:
DataList = LineToList("Mammal.txt")