in C I have
uint32 value = 39434;
uint8 firstByte = (unsigned char)value;
uint8 secondByte = (unsigned char)(value >> 8);
Is there any possibility to achieve the same in Swift?
It is quite similar in Swift:
let value : UInt32 = 39434
let firstByte = UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: value) // 10
let secondByte = UInt8(truncatingBitPattern: value >> 8) // 154
The special initializer init(truncatingBitPattern:)
is required here because Swift (in contrast to C), does not implicitly
truncate integers:
let firstByte = UInt8(value)
would result in a runtime exception if value
does not fit into
the range of UInt8
See also Split UInt32 into [UInt8] in swift for possible solutions which give you an array with the four bytes of the input value.