My kannel works great in smpp, deliver SMS postback me DLR for updating status.
When I send a SMS to my customer, i would like to know on which operator (Orange, Bouygues, ...) i sent the SMS.
I work with a SMSC called Highconnexion (in France) and according to its technical support, Highconnexion send me the op_id into an optional field in DELIVER_SM. The field is referenced by the value 0x1402.
He tells me that he think that kannel can get this information but don't know how because he is not a kannel specialist.
I try to find how to get this op_id, but impossible to find a response on google search.
Is someone can help me ?
You now know TLV code (0x1402). What you also need is TLV length and type — these you have to ask from the SMSC owner.
After that please refer to kannel docs here:
And this conversation here: