Search code examples

Yii2 : Dependent Dropdown List to search

I want to create a filter for user to search. I create this dependent dropdownlist but it not work. I have 'city' and 'state' tables. It not working. ERROR in conslode POST http://localhost/smarthouse/web/index.php?r=post/lists?id=1 404 (Not Found)

Can someone tell me where I went wrong? Thanks.

My form

 asArray()->all(),'id', 'name');    
              $form = ActiveForm::begin();
            echo $form->field($searchModel, 'id')->dropDownList($dataCity, 
                                 [''=>'-Choose a Name-',
       '"+$(this).val(),function( data ) 
                          $( "select#post" ).html( data );

             asArray()->all(), 'id', 'name');
          echo $form->field($searchModel, 'id')

My list action in post controller

public function actionLists($id)
     $countPosts = States::find()
     ->where(['city_id' => $id])

     $posts = States::find()
     ->where(['city_id' => $id])
     ->orderBy('id DESC')

     foreach($posts as $post){

     echo "<option value='".$post->id."'>".$post->name."</option>";
     echo "<option>-</option>";


  • In your onchange $.post path the second GET parameter should begin with & and not with ? this way `index.php?r=post/lists&id

         $.post("index.php?r=post/lists&id='. // use & not ? 
       '"+$(this).val(),function( data ) 
                          $( "select#post" ).html( data );