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BDD : How to use Mocha and Chai for implementing full BDD alongwith Webdriver scripts doing the automation?

I have been using Cucumber for writing easy to understand Features , mapping them to implementation by Step definitions and calling using Junit Runner . This is BDD implementation I have been using till date.

Now , If I want to implement a similar situation where Features(Sceanarios) are written , Mapped to implementation using some mechanism , and called by a runner . How to do it with mocha , chai etc.

(I only know that Mocha is a testing framework and Chai provides assertion)

I would appreciate if someone can give some info or point towards a good source. I have already went through few tutorials but not found what I am searching for.


  • Look at mocha-cakes for BDD. For chai, you may have to dig through the mocha-cakes code and see what assertion engine is used and proceed from there.