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Window not Resizing to content

I have a window:

<Window x:Class="HarryPotter.MainWindow"
        Title="Harry Potter" SizeToContent="WidthAndHeight" Background="Black" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen"
    <Viewbox Stretch="Uniform">
        <Canvas Height="640" Width="480" Background="DodgerBlue">


In the designer, the ViewBox's Width = 480 and Height = 640. So the Window's Width and Height are 488 and 671. This is exactly what I want.

I want the ViewBox to be of the same size as Canvas at startup and window to size to ViewBox's size. Then I want the window to be freely resizable. However, this is not what happens. When the window opens, it's height is my monitor's height.

How can I fix this?


  • You are using a ViewBox to fit the content into the available space by stretching it uniformly. However, since you did not define a height or width for the available space (SizeToContent = "WidthAndHeight") it takes up all the space so that it can stretch your canvas.

    To experiment you can set Height="50" and see that the window takes all the horizontal space.

    To prevent it you have a few options:

    • Set Stretch property of ViewBox to None instead of Uniform.
    • Set a predefined Width or Height for your Window.
    • Set MaxHeight or MaxWidth property of ViewBox.