I am not sure why it won't work.
$email = $_POST['email];
$password = $_POST['password];
$validEmail = filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
$getpassword = $connect->query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE email = '$validEmail'");
$row = $getpassword->fetch_assoc();
All of the above works fine. I get the password which the email is connected to, so that I can "verify" the password.
$passVarify = password_varify($password, $row['password']);
When I try to "echo" out or use "var_dump" / "print_r" on "$passVerify", it just shows the number "1"? After I have verified the password, I run another query, so that I can get the "userid" and "privileges". I needed to "unhash" or turn the password "normal" again, so that I could make the query below.
$result = $objConnection->query("SELECT userid, privileges FROM users WHERE email = '$validEmail' && password = '$passVarify'");
The code below doesn't seem to pick up the query? It just doesn't work for some reason.
if($result->num_rows > 0) {
$row = $result->fetch_assoc();
$userid = $_SESSION['userid'] = $row['userid'];
$privileges = $_SESSION['privileges'] = $row['privileges'];
Any good ideas? Cause I've been scratching the back of my head trying to figure out why the first "query" works and the second doesn't?!
You are making life difficult for yourself.
First the result of a password_verify()
is TRUE or FALSE i.e. verified or not verified. It does not UNHASH the password. Nothing should be able to unhash a hash.
Also you dont need to do 2 seperate calls to get data from your database.
You also dont need to copy the email address from the POST array into a scalar variable.
So this would be a simpler flow for your code
Also you do not really need to filter your users entered password. If it is not right, the verify_password()
will fail and that is all you need to know.
$result = $connect->query("SELECT userid, privilages, password
FROM users
WHERE email = '{$_POST['email']}'");
$user = $result->fetch_assoc();
if ( ! password_verify($_POST['password'], $user['password']) ) {
// show the password error screen
} else {
// save all the SELECTED user info into a sub array of SESSION
// to be used later
$_SESSION['user'] = $user;
You should really be using parameterised queries instead of injecting POST variables into a query.
$stmt= $connect->query("SELECT userid, privilages, password
FROM users
WHERE email = ?");
$stmt->bind_param("s", $_POST['email']);
$result = $stmt->get_result();
$user = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);