I seen a few example code which add a horizontal line using a Table, however I was wondering if there a faster way using the Paragraph instead. I look into the reportlab docs, however I could find anything.
So my question is, is it possible to add a horizontal line using Paragraph instead?
The fastest way is probably using the HRFlowable
this flowable attempt to mimic the behavior of the HTML <HR>
just to give you an indication, this is how it looks in HTML:
As this function is not documented the best I can do is refer you to the source code which show all options that are available.
Below my own attempt of documenting this flowable
HRFlowable(width="80%", thickness=1, lineCap='round', color=lightgrey, spaceBefore=1, spaceAfter=1, hAlign='CENTER', vAlign='BOTTOM', dash=None)
width: Width of the horizontal line
thickness: Height of the horizontal line
lineCap: Determines whether a terminating line ends in a square exactly at the vertex, a square over the vertex or a half circle over the vertex.
color: Straight forward
spaceBefore: ??? Isn't used in the source code
spaceAfter: ??? Isn't used in the source code
hAlign: ??? Isn't used in the source code
vAlign: ??? Isn't used in the source code
dash: Allows the line to be broken into dots or dashes.