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Adding a 'varbinary' MySQL field type with Phinx Migrate

I'm trying to create a migration in Phinx which will create a varbinary type field in a MySQL DB to store an ip_address.

This is what I have:

$table = $this->table('my_table');
$table->addColumn('ip_address', 'varbinary', ['after' => 'id', 'limit' => 16])

However this simply returns:

An invalid column type "varbinary" was specified for column "ip_address".

I tried using 'binary' but this just ended up as a BLOB. :/


  • Its currently not possible, I did however have the same problem and have just created a pull request for adding in this functionality:

    It would let you add a varbinary field with code like you currently have.

    $table->addColumn('ip', 'varbinary', ['length' => 16]);