I have created a push segue in the storyboard from an WKInterfaceTableCell
to another WKInterfaceController
(called DetailInterfaceController
When I tap on the row, didSelectRowAtIndex
is not being called.
Does anybody know where I am going wrong, and how I can pass the string?
statement is not called
@IBOutlet var table: WKInterfaceTable!
var objectsArray = ["1","2","3"]
var object: String!
override func table(table: WKInterfaceTable, didSelectRowAtIndex rowIndex: Int) {
self.object = self.objectsArray[rowIndex]
print(" object title: \(self.object)")
override func contextForSegueWithIdentifier(segueIdentifier: String) -> AnyObject? {
// You may want to set the context's identifier in Interface Builder and check it here to make sure you're returning data at the proper times
// Return data to be accessed in ResultsController
return self.object
The label is not set
@IBOutlet var label: WKInterfaceLabel!
override func awakeWithContext(context: AnyObject?) {
// Make sure data was passed properly and update the label accordingly
if let val: String = context as? String {
} else {
// Configure interface objects here.
Why it's not called:
It's normal for table:didSelectRowAtIndex:
to not be called since you used a storyboard segue. From the WKInterfaceController
If you connected an action method to the table in your storyboard file, WatchKit does not call this method.
How to pass the selected row data:
You should use contextForSegueWithIdentifier:inTable:rowIndex:
to return the context for the selected row:
override func contextForSegueWithIdentifier(segueIdentifier: String, inTable table: WKInterfaceTable, rowIndex: Int) -> AnyObject? {
if segueIdentifier == "someSegueIdentifier" {
return objectsArray[rowIndex]
return nil