I need to detect Idle Time, Time Since the user has input anything into their machine, I've made this application before for windows only and this function worked brilliantly :-
function IdleTime: DWord;
LastInput: TLastInputInfo;
LastInput.cbSize := SizeOf(TLastInputInfo);
Result := (GetTickCount - LastInput.dwTime) DIV 1000;
However, this function doesn't work on Multi-Device Application(as far as I can tell). I've messed around with this for a while now and done some severe googling to no avail.
The target OS is OS X and Windows.
The equivalent of GetLastInputInfo
on OSX is CGEventSourceCounterForEventType
See here: Detecting user-activity on mac os x
The API interface for this call is in: Macapi.CoreGraphics
So you'll need to add that unit to your uses clause.
If you're not familair with OSX programming under Delphi, have a look at:https://delphihaven.wordpress.com