I've previously used sql-oracle just fine in Xemacs on XP and vista.
However, now I'm using Postgresql psql on the command line but I kinda find it lame (as compared to using sql-* from within emacs)
So, I'm trying to get it(psql) working within xemacs(21.4.22) on windows. When I type
M-x sql-postgres ENTER, I get the following 3 prompts
Database :
How come I am not prompted for password ? It presents a SQLi buffer but when I type my SQL in and press ENTER nothing happens. Also, I don't see any prompt (when I run psql from cmd.exe, I get the "databasename=#" prompt). What gives ?
What am I expected to enter in the above prompts for a DB which is running on my box(localhost) and I know which DB that I need to connect to(I know what params to give psql but not in xemacs).
I tried the same with GNU Emacs ( (i386-mingw-nt6.0.6001)) and the results were similar : A SQLi buffer but none of the SQL get executed and I didn't see a prompt for password.
Thank you,
On Windows, psql, like ftp, is known to not work correctly under shell-mode as it's not using the stdin, stdout handles, but a console handle.