I've created a UITextField
programmatically (myTextField : UITextField!
) so I can easily control its attributes.
I want to be able to set its text to the selected value of a UIPicker (programmatically created via myPickerView: UIPickerView! = UIPickerView()
), but whenever I try myTextField.text = pickerData[row]
inside didSelectRow
the app crashes saying nil was found while unwrapping an Optional.
I'm using myTextField.inputView = myPickerView
which behaves properly and I can successfully print out the selected row from the picker view. It's only when I try to set the text that it crashes.
When I set up a button on the storyboard as an IBOutlet it works properly, but I want to avoid using storyboard. Is there anyway around this? Or is it possible to style a storyboard button programmatically?
UPDATE: I've set a tag to myTextField
and set myTextField.text
using the tag under the pickers didSelect
protocol, but that feels roundabout and hacky
Your textfield is nil. You need to initialize the textField before using the pickerView. Best method is
myTextField = UITextField()
myTextField.inputView = myPickerView
So that, the pickerView appears only when you touch the textField. If you want it to be open by default, use