I would like to draw a plot for following table.
T6 T26 D6 D26
ENSMUSG00000026427 420 170 197 249
ENSMUSG00000026436 27 21 54 77
ENSMUSG00000018189 513 246 429 484
ENSMUSG00000026470 100 55 82 73
ENSMUSG00000026696 147 73 182 283
ENSMUSG00000026568 3620 1571 1264 1746
ENSMUSG00000026504 95 60 569 428
I want to compare each row and specified each column by different colour. X.lab= Gene name y.Lab= Counts
I think that the appropriate plotting choice depends on the characteristics of your full dataset, and from what I can tell, on the number of possible unique values of IDs ("ENSMUSG*") and the possible number of variables ("T26", "D26", ...). What is clear however, is that the variables have different scales, so should not be combined on the same plot, and so I have chosen a faceted grid plot below.
Here is some code that makes an appropriate choice based on the sample of the data that you have chosen to show us:
df_foo = read.table(textConnection(
"T6 T26 D6 D26
ENSMUSG00000026427 420 170 197 249
ENSMUSG00000026436 27 21 54 77
ENSMUSG00000018189 513 246 429 484
ENSMUSG00000026470 100 55 82 73
ENSMUSG00000026696 147 73 182 283
ENSMUSG00000026568 3620 1571 1264 1746
ENSMUSG00000026504 95 60 569 428"
# plot the data
df_foo %>%
add_rownames(var = "ID") %>%
gather(key = Variable, value = Value, -ID) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = ID, y = Value, fill = Variable)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
theme_bw() +
facet_wrap(~ Variable, scales = "free_y") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 50, hjust = 1))
# save the plot
ggsave("results/faceted_bar.png", dpi = 600)
Note that making the color
aesthetic above is strictly not required given that we are faceting by Variable
anyway. Here is what the above code produces:
It can be easily argued that this is not the appropriate chart for your data given more context and knowledge about your data. You should add more detail to the question as others have commented.