I have a matrix in ssrs like:
Name Age
[Name] [Age]
[Total] sum([Total])
The [Name] row is toggled with Total, so When I click '+' sign near Total I can see each Name and Age, otherwise they are hidden. For some of my cases I have Age = 0 and I do not want to show them. I have to do this modification in SSRS, not in SQL. But since the row visibility settings are arranged for toggling (default:hidden) I cannot write expression there I guess. SO I could not find out what to do to provide this. I need something like:
For Hidden: IIF(Fields!Age.Value > 0, false, true)
Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.
Go to tablix properties, in the Filters tab add a filter:
Where I set Point
use your field Age
, select >
operator and use =0
expression in Value.
Now you can see use toogle functionality without zeroes values.
With the filter and without filter
Let me know if this helps.