I have a huge json file ~1000+ lines. I wanted to implement two things.
1) In the json file,if "Id" : "232799"
then assign "s"
as "1861"
I did this using decode_json. It works as expected.
2)Increment the version
number by 1 and save the file in a particular directory. I want this to happen in a loop .
I believe decode_json should be used to parse json object/json array. However, version is the first line in the file.I'm not really sure if decode could be used.Any suggestions?
"version": "16300173",
"con": {
"s1": {
"key": false,
"global": {
"cu": [
"Id": "232799",
"s": 1861,
"Sps": "xx",
"cId": "xyzzde",
"pat": "-123456789",
"Config": true,
"auth": [
"Type": "5",
"dir": "in"
"Type": "6",
"dir": "out"
script :
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
my $json;
open my $fh, "<", "/a/etc/cm/nw/st/cfg.json"
or die("Can't open file \"/a/etc/cm/nw/st/cfg.json\": $!\n");
local $/;
$json = <$fh>;
my $data = decode_json($json);
for my $customers (@{ $data->{global}{cu} }) {
$customers->{s} = 1861
if $customers->{id} ==237299;
$json = JSON->new->utf8->pretty->encode($data);
open my $fh, ">" ,"/a/etc/cm/nw/st/cfg.json"
or die("Can't open file \"/a/etc/cm/nw/st/cfg.json\": $!\n");
local $/;
print $fh $json;
As well as the missing {con}{s1}
keys, you have id
instead of Id
This code appears to work
use strict;
use warnings;
use v5.14.1; # for autodie
use autodie;
use JSON;
use constant JSON_FILE => '/a/etc/cm/nw/st/cfg.json';
my $data = do {
open my $fh, '<', JSON_FILE;
local $/;
my $cu = $data->{con}{s1}{global}{cu};
for my $cust ( @$cu ) {
$cust->{s} = 1861 if $cust->{Id} == 232799;
open my $fh, '>', JSON_FILE;
print $fh JSON->new->utf8->pretty->encode($data);