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How to remove a topic when it has no subscribers?

I am building a Diffusion solution that create a tree of topics.

I am creating topics on demand to reflect values received from a RabbitMQ feed. Each topic has a memory cost, so I am looking to remove the topic once it has had no subscribers for some time.

How can this do done with unified Java API?


  • The TopicEventListener (part of the TopicControl feature) provides this functionality. Providing individual callbacks for when a topic has 0 subscribers, as well as when a topic has at least 1 subscriber.


        public TopicEventListenerClient() {
            session = Diffusion.sessions().principal("admin").password("password").open("ws://localhost:8080");
            topicControl = session.feature(TopicControl.class);
            topicControl.addTopicEventListener("rabbitMQ/foo", new TopicEventListener() {
                public void onClose(String arg0) {
          "Listener closed");
                public void onError(String arg0, ErrorReason arg1) {
          "Error on listener: " + arg1);
                public void onRegistered(String arg0, Registration arg1) {
          "Listener registered");
                public void onHasSubscribers(String arg0) {
          "Topic: " + arg0  + " has at least 1 subscriber");
                public void onNoSubscribers(String arg0) {
          "Topic: " + arg0  + " has no subscribers");

    Hope this helps!

    EDIT: 04/10/2019

    TopicEventListener is deprecated (since Diffusion version 6.1). The preferred method of removing a topic with no subscribers is Automatic Topic Removal. This can be achieved by specifying a Removal Policy as part of the topic's specification.

    For example:

    final Session session = Diffusion.sessions().principal("admin").password("password").open("ws://localhost:8080");
    final TopicControl topicControl = session.feature(TopicControl.class);
    final TopicSpecification specification =
                    .withProperty(TopicSpecification.REMOVAL, "when subscriptions < 1 for 10s");

    The above code creates a topic specification for a JSON topic that will be automatically removed if it has no subscribers for 10 seconds.